Blood needles can be divided into:

1. Subcutaneous blood collection needle: mainly three-edged needle and metal solid core needle; Pierce the distal skin or the root skin of the baby’s foot to get a trace of blood. Blood cells and biochemical, histological, microbiological, virological, and genetic tests; It’s very versatile. With the popularization of modern detection instruments and means. It is so extensive that it will gradually replace most of the tests for venous blood collection.

2. Vein blood sampling needle: establish the passage between human vein vessels and the outside world by means of intervention, and then collect blood samples with negative pressure sampling container (for different test items, negative pressure sampling container with different specifications can be used — various additives are preset in the container to complete the early pretreatment of the specimen); For example, anticoagulation, rapid coagulation, etc.; According to the structure, the blood collecting needles can be divided into two categories: pen-type blood collecting needles and split-type blood collecting needles. Foreign to pen – based needle, the mainland to split – type.

3. Artery blood sampling needle: Strictly speaking, it is an artery puncture, artery blood vessel and its sealing device completed in a closed environment; From the perspective of structure, it is a complete syringe with sealant block, which closes the needle head quickly after collection. To maintain the arterial blood of all kinds of dissolved other content does not change. As a blood gas analysis, to understand the cardiopulmonary function.

From the above understanding, can accurately say, how to use the blood needle:

1, subcutaneous blood collection needles: after puncture skin disinfection, fingers hold the subcutaneous blood collection needle into the subcutaneous tissue, average depth of 1-3 mm (depending on the patients age, the skin and tissue), and then use the finger to squeeze the punctured site, squeeze out a drop of blood (not dripping), the use of negative pressure ball suction capillary suction, and then transferred to the testing instrument or slide specimen pool blade coating, dyeing inspection; In use, note: one person, one needle, one disinfection, one disposal of waste;

2. Venous blood sampling needle: select appropriate superficial vein for local disinfection; Tie up the pressure belt (note: it is not a tourniquet, nor is it a blood drive belt); According to the patient’s age and the number of specimens collected, different blood sampling needles were selected :( pen-based needles should be selected if the number is less than one or three tubes); Elderly, children do not cooperate or thin blood vessels, can choose a split posture; The needle diameter of the blood sampling needle shall not be less than 0.7mm, otherwise blood cells will be easily broken and “hemolysis” will occur. After use, the needle should be discarded into a special waste box for disposal. Resolutely do: one person, a needle, a disinfection, a disposal of waste;

3. Arterial blood sampling needle: (it should be an arterial blood sampling device) : strict disinfection means and perform arterial puncture; Prepare and pressurize the dressing materials; After successful artery puncture, the piston of the syringe will be pushed back by the artery pressure, and the arterial blood will be quickly perfused, such as the syringe cylinder; After reaching the predetermined dose, the puncture needle was quickly pulled out and the arterial puncture was pressurized to stop the bleeding. Immediately after pulling the needle, thrust the needle into the sealant. Then the arterial blood sample was sent to the testing room for examination quickly.

Post time: Jun-12-2020