Vacuum blood collection a vacuum negative pressure blood collection, the emergence of a large number of automated instruments and modern medical examination of blood preservation requirements, not only the blood collection technology is required, but also the requirements of vacuum blood collection, then what on earth do different colors of the hat represent?
1. Red cap: normal serum tube;
2. Orange cap: quick serum tube with coagulant in the blood collection tube to accelerate the coagulation process. ;
3. Golden red cover: inert separation glue and coagulant tube; inert separation glue and coagulant agent are added into the blood collection tube;
4. Green cap: Heparin anticoagulant tube, with heparin added in the blood collection tube;
5. Light green cap: Plasma separation tube. Heparin lithium anticoagulant is added into the inert separation rubber tube to achieve the purpose of rapid plasma separation;
6. Purple cap: EDTA anticoagulant tube, ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA, molecular weight 292) and its salts are amino polycarboxylic acids that can effectively chelate calcium ions in blood samples. Chelating calcium or removing the calcium reaction site will block and terminate endogenous or exogenous coagulation process, thus preventing blood samples from coagulation.
7. Light blue cap: sodium citrate coagulation test tube, sodium citrate plays an anticoagulant role mainly through chelation with calcium ions in blood samples.
8. Black head cover: sodium citrate blood sedimentation test tube. The concentration of sodium citrate required for blood sedimentation test is 3.2%(equivalent to 0.109mol/L) and the ratio of anticoagulant to blood is 1:4.
9. Gray cap: Potassium oxalate/sodium fluoride, a weak anticoagulant, is commonly used in combination with potassium oxalate or sodium iodate. It is a good preservative for blood glucose determination, and cannot be used for the determination of urea by urease method, nor for the determination of alkaline phosphatase and amylase.
Regarding the order of blood collection and blood distribution of multiple tubes, if using glass test tube: blood culture test tube, serum tube without anticoagulant, sodium citrate anticoagulation test tube, other anticoagulant test tube; Sequence of plastic test tubes: blood culture test tubes (yellow), sodium citrate anticoagulant test tubes (blue), serum tubes with or without blood coagulation activators or gel separation, heparin tube with or without gel (green), EDTA anticoagulant tube (purple), blood glucose decomposition inhibitor test tubes (gray).
Post time: Jun-12-2020